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Did you know that getting adjusted during your pregnancy can make you and your baby more comfortable, ease your labor and improve your delivery? Dr. Cherie has had extensive training in chiropractic care for expectant moms, post-partum moms, and pediatric patients. SOT (Sacro-Occipital Technique) has a very comprehensive approach to helping you create total body wellness for you and your family. 


At Got Your Back Lifestyle Chiropractic we use a special chiropractic adjusting table that accommodates the pregnant mom's tummy, allowing her to lie on her stomach. For those of you who are, or have been pregnant you know what a gift this is. Dr. Cherie's adjusting techniques are so gentle, yet very effective in helping the pregnant mom stay healthy during pregnancy. Regular chiropractic adjustments, along with nutritional advice and organ work, can help the pregnant mom with common symptoms such as:


  • Low Back Pain/Hip Pain

  • Pelvic Pain/Pubic Pain

  • Rib Cage Pain

  • Carpal Tunnel Syndrome and Foot/Ankle Pain

  • Hormone Balance

  • Intra-Uterine Constraint*

  • Digestive Problems-Reflux, Gas/Bloating, Constipation


*Intra-uterine constraint is a term used to describe a breech presentation. Dr. Cherie has had extensive training and a lot of experience dealing with such a condition. She employs highly specialized chiropractic techniques that can help normalize pelvic tension, thereby improving the baby's ability to move. These techniques are greater than 80% effective in helping intra-uterine constraint.


Wellness checkups throughout your pregnancy are highly recommended to improve your pelvic alignment and neurological communication with your baby, as well as help your body be in optimal shape so that your baby's delivery is less stressful.  


Please listen to my PODCAST about using chiropractic care for your pregnancy and pediatric needs. 

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